“世界因爱而生2023”ActionRec 将于晚会表演
欧洲-中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会,爱尔兰音乐团队 ActionRec将献艺2023年第三届「世界因爱而生」全球春节联欢晚会 。
Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association, Irish music team ActionRec will join the 3rd "A World Born of Love" Global Spring Festival Gala in 2023.
ActionRec将自己描述为一家独立的爱尔兰制作公司,旨在促进Seán和Rón Graham在音乐、电影和艺术领域的艺术成果。始终专注于创造和提供创新的、富有艺术性的内容。
ActionRec would describe themselves as an independent Irish production company set up to promote the artistic output of Seán and Rónán Graham in the fields of music, film and art. Always focusing on creating and delivering innovative, artistic content.
ActionRec与会长夫妇陈秋梅和Jimmy MacCarthy的合影
在ActionRec,他们不关注流派,而只是音乐,使之成为自己的音乐。作为多乐器演奏家,他们提供丰富的声音和感觉。是的,你可以确定在他们的音乐里没有循环,没有样本,没有花样,只是所有的原创。The Day Is Gone、I Don't Want To Love You、Little Big Man 都是 Seán Graham 写的歌曲。
At ActionRec they don’t focus on genre, but simply on the music and making it our own. As multi-instrumentalists they provide a wide range of sounds and feels. And yes, you can make sure there are no loops, no samples, no tricks, just all original. The Day Is Gone、I Don't Want To Love You、Little Big Man are some songs written by Seán Graham.
They also play live on the streets of Dublin, improvised musical jams over a variety of beats and grooves, snippets of these live performances can be seen on YouTube and Instagram.

他们对电影充满热情,从恐怖片到喜剧小品。他们一直在努力拥有原创的镜头、故事和情节。他们即将推出的恐怖片系列 "HEARTS "的第一部分即将发行!随着其他短片,如 "野兽""编程""Ocras "等将在2021年首次亮相。他们表示“对未来感到非常兴奋。”
They have a passion for film, from horrors to comedy sketches. They are always trying to have original shots, stories and plots. Part 1 of their upcoming Horror series “HEARTS” will be available soon! With other shorts such as “Beast” “Programming” “Ocras” and more to debut in 2021. They are“very excited for the future.”

For them, art started as a hobby, but now it is a solid 3rd of the company’s main productions.
They believe in abstract art but for affordable prices, and not the modern view of art. Their online store is fully loaded now with 1 of 1 original paintings, you can also head to their services page for custom artwork

To learn more about ActionRec, please see out musical output on the Spotify, filmography on their YouTube channel, and abstract art on their website.
欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会和中外国际家庭联谊会是在爱尔兰政府正式注册的中立性公益机构,旨在为欧洲和中国之间文化艺术交流搭建一座多维度多元化的桥梁。由欧洲著名音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy和爱尔兰华侨陈秋梅Annie(夫妇)创建,由欧洲和中国的一些文化名人,知名艺术家及相关文化艺术单位组成。欧洲中国文化艺术研究会总部在爱尔兰,欧洲和中国多地均设有分部。
Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association and Chinese and Foreign family association are neutral public welfare organizations officially registered with the Irish government. The aim is to build a multi-dimensional and diversified bridge for cultural and artistic exchanges between Europe and China. The organisations were founded by the famous European musician Jimmy MacCarthy and overseas Chinese Chen Qiumei (couple), and include a number of European and Chinese cultural figures, renowned artists and related cultural and artistic institutions. The organisitions are based in Ireland, with branches in Europe and China.

会长陈秋梅与荣誉会长Jimmy MacCarthy